Robert's Profile Pic

Hey I'm Robert, I used to build Theatre Sets. Now I build websites too... Come and check it out!

Featured Projects

ClearView Glass

ClearView Glass

Created a static page for a local business owner in Indiana

Built with

html icon css icon
FAQ accordion card

FAQ accordion card

Create an FAQ page with accordion and have responses open and close

Built with

html icon css icon  javascript icon

Social proof Section

Create a social proof section for a landing page

Built with

html icon css icon

Profile Card

Create a static profile card with responsive design

Built with

html icon css icon

3-Column Preview

Create a 3-column preview of different cars.

Built with

html icon css icon

Stats Preview Card

Create a static statistical preview for a company

Built with

html icon css icon

Order Summary

Create a static order summary page for a music website

Built with

html icon css icon

About me

A self-taught developer, focusing in Front-End Development. I built my life around making Theatre, studied it and became a Technical Director. When the stages went dark, and after some self-reflecting I relocated to Paris, while experimenting with coding. Here I am now, looking to make it a career.


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